When It Really Matters770-777-2090

Forensic Auditing and Accounting

Forensic Auditing and AccountingDisclosing the story behind the numbers or projecting the consequences of the story on the numbers are two ways our forensic accounting experts deal with numbers and circumstances. While seemingly simple, there is much more to solving the quantification problem than one might imagine.

Winning the legal argument without an equally satisfying financial outcome can be a hollow victory.  As a result, picking the right forensic accountant is just as important as picking the right lawyer. After all, if it did not involve money, few would really care. 

Determining the correct monetary value is not just a Plaintiff's problem, however. Defendants have that same goal, particularly when the Plaintiff's approach is based in fantasy and their litigation strategy hopes that at least something will stick.

When It Really Matters we help clients and counsel to unlock the treasures buried in the arcane quantification concepts that are often associated with many disputed issues, particularly delays, disruptions (inefficiencies) and cost allocation. In addition, our forensic experts have the skills and experience necessary for dealing with large, complex data sets as well as the expertise and experience to subject them to penetrating analysis even without the original hardware and software. In fact, our electronic data skills along with our expertise in damages quantification bring reality to every aspect of the quantification problem no matter which side of a disputed issue that we serve.


Service Specifics

Fordham Forensics of Atlanta GA is an experienced and highly skilled provider of forensic accounting, auditing and damages quantification consulting services and expert analysis and testimony.

Typical projects involve


